What Do You Want People To Know Amethyst?
So many people have amethyst and not really sure what to do with it.
For a start please don’t put us next to Rose Quartz. We love Rose Quartz however we have two different jobs to do.
We require to be apart (several inches or more) this way we are able to work in tandem, and can do so more. If we side by side, we counteract each other’s energies.
I help protect and clear away negative energies within you and your environment. I can also help connect you to your Higher Self, your Soul. I walk you gently through this journey as you proceed on your spiritual path.
When you have purchased a crystal or been given on. It’s very important to cleanse it, of any negativity, or energies from other people, the store etc. Once the crystal has been cleansed, you can set an intention where you require help in. Or put it in place you feel guided to place it, and let Amethyst weave its energy and magic.
Crystals like respect, love and care just like your pet and yourself.
Amethyst and all crystals have a great love for humanity, we are here to help and impart the knowledge we hold within ourselves.
If you tune into your crystal, you will over time be able to hear it. When we say hearing, this will be through thoughts, feelings, inspired thoughts. Or you may read something. Or someone may say something, which will relate to what you have been asking.
Or you will feel its energy as you hold it.
If you have a real connection with it, you will find tuning into it more powerfully. Take time to quieten your mind down, through breathing, relax and settle yourself with soothing music, can help.
Take 3 deep breaths in and out, drop into your heart, visualize going down steps or an elevator to your heart.
Hold your crystal in your hand or to your heart. Feel what sensations you feel, thoughts that pop into your head, or feelings that arise within you. Or you may sense a light, or image, go with what surfaces. You may wish to journal what you are feeling, seeing, hearing, and what thoughts you are having.
Have fun with us as well, laugh, don’t be serious around us, we like to be honored and respected. However, we enjoy the sound of laughter, and people having fun.
We are here to celebrate you. What you have done in your life, your skills, talents, and that everyone is special and are loved.
This is the message from the crystal kingdom that you are all special and all loved.
You all have something unique to offer the world. Start believing in who you are, know that you are special and believe in yourself, and love yourself. You have some very wonderful talents and skills, and the way you use them is unique to you.
This message is from the Amethyst, plus on behalf of the entire crystal kingdom; You are all loved, and you all are special. If parts of this message doesn't resonate with you, that's
okay, take what does, and let go of the rest. The message is channeled with love .
