Dolphin, what’s your message today?
We are all animals, part of the animal kingdom, even if our habitat is the ocean. On Earth, you have many forms of animals that you call your pets. Even though we come from the ocean, some of us are considered pets as well. We live in different environments—whether in the ocean or an aquarium for some.
However, all animals, sea life, insects—you name it—we are all from Source. We each have our own form of intelligence, and we all have consciousness.
Many humans wonder what happens when their beloved animals pass over. They are only leaving their bodies, which are merely vehicles for them to exist on Earth. Like you, humans, you all have your bodies, which act as vehicles for you to move around in.
All life—humans, your beloved furry friends, sea life, and even the plant kingdom—has a form of consciousness. Some forms are more developed than others.
You may sense or feel their energy around you. Or you may see something that reminds you of them. That is their way of letting you know they are with you, loving you.
I, Dolphin, have chosen to be the spokesperson for all life—animals, sea life, mammals, to name a few. We all come from Source, we all have souls, personalities, and we love humans. We enjoy supporting them on their journeys by loving them unconditionally.
Let’s speak about your beloved furry friends, as many people wonder what happens when they pass away.
Some humans feel guilty if they had to put their beloved furry friend down, for whatever reason. We release you from that guilt because it allowed us to be free from a sick, diseased, or broken body (vehicle). We are still with you, loving you and playing with you. You may wonder why something seems out of place, or why something is not where it should be. You ask, “How did that get there?” It is our magical way of showing you signs and letting you know we are with you, always around.
Be open to signs, Dear Ones, because that is how your special furry friends will connect with you. They send signs like things being out of place, suddenly thinking of them, remembering a humorous moment, or seeing a picture of your beloved friend and reminiscing about the wonderful times you shared. This is our way of letting you know we are still with you.
For us, life is always fun and full of play. We can run, jump, and go on many exciting adventures. We are healthy. Yes, sometimes we choose to come back in the form of another furry friend for you. We bring some traits of our personality back, and many of you instinctively know or feel that we have returned.
Know, Dear Ones, that your beloved furry friends are happy, healthy, and visit you often—in dreams, through signs, and in many other ways. Have peace knowing this, Dear Ones, and know you didn’t do anything wrong. You are greatly loved by them.
We love you, we love you, we love you—and so it is.