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Lemurian Crystal

Two Lemurian Crystals—once one, we chose to separate and became two, each standing in our own power.

Within these two crystals reside many beings: people, animals, children—even a staircase. So much life and energy.

Lemurian, what’s your message?

We were one, and now we are two -- complementing each other with the power of two. As you see, there is a vast family of us, and you continue to encounter more. Our message to humanity at this time is simple: Go within.

Journey into your heart space, for there, you will find peace and solace. The stairs you see can represent the steps leading into your heart, each one drawing you deeper within.

Remember, your heart is not only a source of love but a source of truth. It is its own form of wisdom, and within it, you will discover your truth—peace, contentment, and self-love.


There is much more we wish to share, but for now, we will keep it brief, as too much information at once can feel overwhelming.


Many of you are seeking connection with loved ones who have passed on, often believing you must go through someone else to receive their messages. However, your loved ones are always with you. They have not left you; they’ve simply left their physical bodies, which were just vehicles in your world.

Their souls remain close by, and you can connect with them at any time. Simply ask for a sign—something meaningful, perhaps an object or symbol they loved. Or you can ask, What sign will you use to show me you're here? Pay attention to what comes to mind first, whether it's an image, a word, a color, or an idea. It could be anything—a butterfly, a feather, a rainbow, or even something unexpected like a pink horse! Whatever comes to you, don’t dismiss it as silly.


Our channel once heard someone ask for a purple butterfly as a sign. Days later, they walked out of a shop and saw a T-shirt with a purple butterfly on it. At first, our channel thought she would rather see a pink butterfly. But one day, she was drawn to a card she owned, and to her surprise, it had a purple butterfly on it—a card she'd had for months without noticing. The next day, she discovered another card with a pink butterfly! These signs appear in the most unexpected ways. Trust in how they come to you.


Many people choose feathers as signs and ask for specific colors or types. They often appear in surprising places, whether on a garment, an ornament, or even just floating before you. Your loved ones are with you, watching over you, sending love, and always ready to help if you ask.

When you ask for guidance, be open to what follows: an inspired thought, a sudden knowing, a gut feeling, or even a whisper that seems to pass quickly through your mind. You might feel a gentle touch, like cobwebs brushing your hair, a tingling sensation, or a light energy around you. Perhaps you’ll catch the scent of a familiar perfume or smell cigar smoke, a reminder of someone who used to wear that scent.


Don't dismiss these sensations. They are your loved ones reaching out to you, letting you know they are near. When you notice these signs, stop for a moment, acknowledge them, thank them, and send them love. You can even ask a simple question and stay open to the response.

Know that your loved ones are with you, and they will continue to connect in many ways. Even if you’re not fully aware of their presence, they are there, bringing you peace and contentment. Trust in this connection.


We love you, we love you, we love you. And so it is.


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