We have brought the sun in, to bring in the joy, the light , the warmth, and love of the sun. Because you could say the rain was nourishing the earth and it is, washing away the debris, and the old, making room for the new.
Like the Autumn or Winter, the earth slows down, goes into hibernation, resting, and then the Spring comes, bringing new buds, new growth and making room for new life.
This is what life is about Dear One’s, it's a cycle, clearing the way for the new. So, allow yourselves to feel the energies and the emotions that come up to be released. Allow the tears to wash them away, because that's what tears and rain do, washing away all the unwanted energy, emotions. It's making room for the new. The sun brings in the light, joy, happiness and new emotions, energy, and growth. The sun warms the earth, and nurture’s the new seeds that have been sown.
Allow those seeds of new emotions, energies within you Dear Ones to be sown, nurtured and grow into the beautiful flowers that You all are. Yes flowers, because you are all beautiful flowers, see yourselves as beautiful flowers, or whatever you love to see yourselves, embrace the beauty.
The light Dear Ones remember Sun its light, as it shines upon you. When the sun shines upon you, remember that it’s the light in physical form, showing and reminding you to be the light you are, allow your light to shine Dear Ones.
Allow your lights to shine, because you all have something to give, so don't hide behind your walls, or hide in the bushes. Step out into the world, and shine your light Dear Ones, allow the light to shine. Know Dear Ones you are good enough, and worthy to shine your gifts, talents, wisdom in the world. We love you and want you to remember to give yourselves self-love, and remember you are worthy to have it all.
