Are you guided by the light following the energy?
Do you know the answers to those questions?
Be guided by the light, follow the Energy.
This is when you have an inspired thought, and the inspiration to follow through on it. This is what it means to be guided by the light, follow the energy.

For example, you may have an inspired thought to go to a place like to the café. You follow the inspiration. When you get to the café, you bump into someone you having been wanting to catch up with. Or you meet someone who can help you with a project.
Synchronicities and coincidences, this is the Universe, or Higher Self/Soul speaking to you.
Below is some of the things you will experience or feel.
Intuition – Gut Feeling - which is a feeling you have in your solar plexus / gut area. There is a knowing, a feeling, you just seem to know, that what you are feeling, is something to listen to. How many times have you looked back, and saw how things unfolded, when you followed your intuition or gut instinct? What about the time when you didn't follow your intuition or gut feeling? You are sitting quietly absorbed in some activity, or daydreaming, and you see a flash of light. Or you thought you saw a person or something, out of the corner of your eye.
Your barriers or filters of reality and your logical mind have been lowered. The curtain has been lifted. When you are in this state, your Guides, Angels, Higher Self, are able to show themselves to you, so much easier. Often you will receive inspired ideas, a thought, or message.
Have you had the feeling of cobwebs in your hair, or a tingling sensation as if someone is touching your hair, a light feathery feeling? These sensations usually mean, your guides are letting you know they are with you, and watching over you. They may have a message for you.
Other signs - You are sitting quietly, relaxed, you hear those quite soft whispers of thoughts flash through your mind, usually very quickly, you nearly miss them. Or they flick through so fast, you didn't register what it was, and you unable to recall it.