What are Fairy Tales? They are stories that have been passed down through many lifetimes. Same as the Folklore, and other stories that have been passed down through many lifetimes and generations, for eons.
Where did the stories start? They started many eons ago, when the elders wanted the following generations to know the stories, truth, wisdom, and share the knowledge. This is when storytelling started – before they started writing the tales down. Then folklore, Fairies, and many other stories were dismissed over the lifetimes. Many thinking of them as myths, as humans started to forget – we will call it amnesia.
However, all those stories came from Source, and were here to help humanity. However, humanity forgot and suffered amnesia as the world progressed to where we are today. The modern World!
However, the Fairies, gnomes, little people, elementals, crystals and guides are still here to help humanity to find their way – to create peace, joy, and happiness in their lives.
We have come to a place, a mass awakening is happening, and people are acknowledging that they can see, hear, and feel the energy. Many communicate and channel messages from the Angels, Fairies, crystals, and soul family etc.
My own mother, as a child, would go down the garden path to play with the elementals and the fairies. In those days, the sections were big and my grandfather had a big garden. My mother spent hours down there, talking and playing with her friends.
One of my sisters had an imaginary friend, and a place had to be set at the table at mealtimes for her. Another friend of mine speaks about how she also had an imaginary friend as a child.
Many of you who are reading this, may have had an imaginary friend also. Those imaginary friends were and are real, and they were still in spirit, or beyond the veil. Children are still very in tune with the Spirit world and can see and communicate with them. However, many were taught to forget them, or told they had a vivid imagination. Some may have been scolded for lying. However, overtime they forgot, as they grew into adulthood. Embrace the inner child, let the inner child out to play, with both the unseen world, and what we call our world.
Your inner child knows and remembers. However, as you grew up, you were conditioned to have responsibilities, work hard at school, get a good job. Being playful, being silly and having fun was frowned upon. You lost your innocence, and your inner child was locked away.
It’s time to let go of the inhibitions, allow your inner child to come out to play more often with you and the unseen world. You may be surprised what you discover about yourself, the gifts you have, and how it helps you in your everyday life.
Many are now remembering, and awakening to who they are, and the gifts they had as children. They are now embracing their gifts, talents, and skills in order to create wonderful lives for themselves.
When You Play, You Create – When You Create, You Manifest. ( This Quote came through in a channel I did for a friend).