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I do see many Beings and a dog; the Beings look very different, and I have a feeling of being very busy.”

We are here Dear One, we are here, and we are delighted to be with you on this glorious day indeed.

There is so much activity going on within me, and you are seeing many different Beings showing themselves. You are coming into a very busy festive season – many are preparing for the holiday season – many are planning family gatherings, and rushing around buying gifts – a very busy time of year for many.

Chaos, we want to say it feels like Chaos, and that is what we are showing you. We are showing you the busy’ness as well. However, there is peace and harmony within us, and there is fun, joy as well. Even though it appears to be busy’ness within us – we are all well. It’s our funny way of showing you what humanity can look like at this time of year. Rushing around like crazy ants trying to get things organized and projects finished. The ones going on holidays are getting organized for that. All the turmoil it causes, and the turmoil all around the World.

However, we wish to let everyone know to slow down, take some nice deep breaths, enjoy what surrounds you. The beautiful sunrises, and sunsets. We do suggest slow down – stop and enjoy the beauty of nature, and what it gives to you at this time of year. By appreciating what you see in a beautiful sunrise/sunset, a beautiful waterfall, or the magnificent trees in full leaf and beautiful flowers. It all helps to bring you back to your centre and create a balance within you.

This crazy time of year – people get frazzled, they are stressed, some worry and are afraid of what is, and we want to encourage you to slow down, take some deep breaths – and appreciate what surrounds you – and feel the gratitude for what you do have.

It is often the simple things in life that bring joy – cuddling or patting a beautiful dog or cat. Your child giving you a flower from the garden or a daisy off the lawn. Someone giving you a hug and showing they care. Watching the animals, birds etc playing and having fun, which often makes you laugh at some of their antics, watching funny movies – it all helps to relax you.

We appreciate it’s a busy time, and many are wanting to get many things done. However, when you are forcing and efforting, this creates stress – When you can stop, take a step back and breathe – you appreciate what you do have in life. Then what you require to be done flows so more easily.

Yes, you may feel this easier said than done. However, many have proven when they stop for a few minutes, take 3 deep breaths, that they do feel better, and they are able to see the problem or what needs to be done in a different way or perspective.

Even taking those few deep breaths with their hand over their heart, and saying ‘I love you’ – has changed many people’s day, and they have gotten through their tasks faster with a lot more ease and grace.

So, we want to remind you all at this crazy time of year – yes humans seem to go crazy at this time. We want you to stop and smell the Roses – as the saying goes. Ever wonder where that saying comes from? Someone did stop and smell the Roses, and their day changed for the better.

They shared it with someone, then it grew, so on and so forth. This is what is happening for you when you a rushing, creating chaos, you are creating more chaos. When you slow down and take a few deep breaths, you bring yourself back to your centre, and then you can see things far more clearly. So, Stop and Smell the Roses.

So many say “I Don’t Have the Time to Stop”, however, stopping to take 3 deep breaths will take 15 or 20 seconds. Those 15 or 20 seconds maybe all you need to be at peace, and not creating more chaos, and avoiding an accident.

We know we speak of slowing down, giving yourself a hug, and breathing, and we will keep repeating this until it becomes second nature. You have been programmed to rush, force, effort, be this or that, and many feel not worthy or good enough because of it.

We also want to tell you – you are Worthy, and You are Good Enough. You are a unique person – you have gifts and talents no one else have, you are unique. We want you to realize you are Good Enough and Are Worthy. Many appreciate you, feel grateful and blessed knowing you and having you in their lives. You are loved. We love you.

This is Our Gift to You – for this crazy season called Christmas. It is the simple things that matter and knowing you are appreciated by many.

We love you; we love you and so it is.


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