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Gold Calcite

Gold Calcite caught my attention a few weeks ago, alerting me it had a message that it wanted to give.

When I sat with the photos, I was full of curiosity and intrigue, because I felt something very different with this beautiful crystal.  A beautiful energy, full of excitement. Many Beings were showing themselves, in many shapes and form. One showed itself as a beautiful female Being, looking very human-like.

Yes, Dear One, we are excited to be here today to give a message of love, plus it’s intrigue we come with, because we know humans love receiving messages of guidance and wisdom. We have been watching with curiosity and intrigue, as we observe this journey unfolding for all of you.

Many of you are uplifted by the messages. They speak to your heart; they heal the pain of loss. Yet your dearly beloved Ones, humans and animals, are all still with you. They have discarded their meat-suit (body), like a lizard or snake shedding their skins.

Humans and animals leave their bodies; however, their Souls still live on. They are with you, loving you and watching over you.

Some feel, sense, or are inspired by a thought, feeling, that you felt when they were around. Or you hear words, or a saying which they often said, that was unique to them.

Our channel sat and closed her eyes, and she saw us, her family, and many people gathered. All of us are wanting to  convey a message to our loved ones.

The message is that we are still with you, we are only a thought away, we can touch you, and it can feel like a light feathery feeling, or tingling sensation on your arm, or top of your head. They feel like cobwebs. That’s where many of us touch, because we know you feel those spidery tingling sensations around your head.

Our message is of love, hope – know all is well, you have the strength to move forward. To go after a new job, or do the trip you desire, or start a business. Some of you are hesitating, doubting, what’s the best  thing to do – you feel you a dithering, will I, wont I. 

You know in your heart, what you feel is correct. You have had inspired thoughts or conversations. Explore the subject more, and you will discover what are the best steps of action for you to take.

Here is an exercise we wish to give you. If you have second thoughts, or ideas and are struggling which one to choose. 

Write each thought, inspired action, on piece of paper. One thought, one piece of paper, etc.  Fold them all up, so they all the same size. Put them in a bowl and jumble them all up. Then sit quietly and breathe deeply in and out 3 or 4 times. Regarding the questions, imagine white golden light and love shining onto the questions in the box or bowl.

When you feel at peace, take one of the questions out of the bowl. Read it and set it aside. Take another one. You many find you are guided to which you should choose next. Read it and set it alongside the first one. Do this until all the pieces of paper are sitting in row. Then look at what they are showing you. You many discover you have steps, or clarity how to proceed forward.

(I tried this with a dilemma I had. I knew what I was thinking, and I put in 4 choices. Stirred them all up, and followed the steps as above.  When I finished, I had the clarity and which steps to take).


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