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This beautiful crystal came into my life recently. I had been wanting one for a while, and when I picked it up, I knew it was coming home with me.

It means transformation – releasing negative suppressed energies and feelings, freeing them to come to the surface, and allow in new positive energies to support you on your journey.

I have been going through the emotional roller-coaster of feelings in recent weeks, and letting go of some very deep suppressed energies. Yes, I believe Malachite helped with this clearing and letting go of the past to allow in the new.

To give you a sense of this roller-coaster ride – the lows were going down into  a deep valley, wondering ‘What’s this all about? Why’s this surfacing? Thought I had dealt with this or that?’ Then, the highs were the  joy, happiness, fun, play, laughter and loving me and loving life.

When discussing the blog for this month, Malachite indicated, hinted, that it wanted to give a message. At the time, I only had it a few days. But then the day came to do the blog, and, yes,  Malachite had a message.

To my surprise and delight, as I sat with the photo, I found myself fascinated. Due to the shape of the crystal, there is only one way for it to sit when shown to its best advantage. In the photo, I got the opportunity to see different angles, and I saw the playfulness and fun within.

I saw a mermaid in a deep pool of green, with dolphins and other sea-life swimming around. I saw other shapes and beings that seemed out-of-world. One had a head like a dragon, but the body was something so different.

The messages came through:

 We have puzzled our channel. We love how we are stretching her outside of her comfort zone. (laughter).

Yes, Dear Ones, we are playing, and we want you to realize life is one of play. Yet many of you take life so seriously. You work hard, and you do, do, do, and you feel, I must do this and that.

I don’t have enough time. It’s like you are on a treadmill – then you wonder what is wrong.  Why is this happening?  Why am I tired?  I wish I could do ……………… (insert your personal dream or desire).

Even our Channel gets caught up with this drama at times. She is highly amused today, while she channels our message, because she saw the playfulness of the mermaid,  dolphins and other sea life. Playing, having fun, yet still living life and doing what they do.

Now we have had our fun with you, we want to let you know life can be fun. It’s your own perspective in how you react to life. We do help with transmuting and transforming emotions, and help you create change in your lives. This allows you to grow, learn, and  embrace the new – to embrace the dreams you have.

We show many lines on the crystal. This is the many paths you can take, and do take – they are all linked at different stages in life. There is the dark, the light. The dark also has the light within – there is always light showing the way.

Plus, we will say it – LOVE. Love who you are. You are  a precious person, and you are Worthy  of Loving Who You Are. Love yourselves, Dear Ones, Self-Love is  important, especially  through the transition period, and always in your life . Self-love and loving You is so important. Many forget to love themselves, to nurture and be kind to themselves.

We suggest, as you look at the photo of Malachite, don’t just see a pretty coloured crystal.

Look at the colours, the shapes, the lines. They all flow like life does, and some of those lines show the hint of a heart.  

This photo is showing you there so much more  to life – there is playfulness within this photo. The mermaid and the dolphins are showing and representing this to you.  Allow yourselves the freedom, Dear Ones, to play, to do those silly things you want to do. And allow in the joy you receive from doing those silly things.

Also allow yourself to receive the love and help from others who want to assist you as well. Allow yourself to receive the Joy, Love, Happiness into your life, and when you are inspired to do something your heart desires, follow through on it.

Allow the inner child to come out and play, and let yourself have fun. Life is not all about being serious. It’s about having fun, and doing the things you want to do. Follow your heart’s desire – the activities that make your heart sing and light you up.

Celebrate Life, Celebrate You, You are Special, all of You are Special, and you  are important in other people’s lives.  Let play come into your lives. Peter Pan  did, he who never seemed to grow up. Many call them Fairy Tales, however there is a lot of wisdom in those stories. Ask the question - is it  really a fairy tale?

The messages that many channels bring through is love, enjoy life, play, have fun, and allow yourself to receive and dream. Let those dreams into your life.

We are Malachite and we are here to lighten and transform your life into the New You. We love you; we love you; we love you and so it is.

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