This month, I connected with a remarkable quartz crystal featuring two points, like two crystals joined together. As I gazed at it, I saw the face of a person and the image of a cat. The crystal’s message is one of unity, compassion, and the transformative Power of Two.
Quartz Crystal, what would you like to share with us this month?
"When you look at us, you see two points—what may appear as twin crystals. While we are not truly twins, we represent the energy of Two, the power that emerges when forces unite.
When one stands alone, their energy can feel isolated or diminished. However, when two or more come together, their energy multiplies, becoming powerful and dynamic. When these gatherings are rooted in love and light, they have the capacity to heal and transform.
You’ve witnessed this in times of crisis—after storms, cyclones, or other natural disasters. Communities unite, neighbors lend a hand, and people collaborate to rebuild homes, restore utilities, and create safety. These acts are born from love, compassion, and light, and they foster healing. The energy of coming together uplifts not only individuals but entire communities, sparking a ripple effect of change.
Love and light transform energy. Even when the change isn’t visible immediately, it is happening. Over time, situations soften, people’s perspectives shift, and hearts open to new ways of being.
Right now, fear and anger are widespread, adding to the chaos. These emotions feed turmoil. But when you let go of fear and instead send love and light into situations, the vibration begins to shift. Calmness replaces chaos, healing takes root, and people start to see from a broader, more compassionate perspective.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It has the ability to heal—relationships, situations, even entire nations. When love is unconditional, its transformative power is boundless. It shifts worlds, reshaping realities and creating profound change.
We chose to appear with an animal Being in the form of a cat because many humans share deep, unconditional love with their feline companions. Cats are healers of the heart. They comfort loneliness, mend sadness, and open the soft spaces within people. Their presence exemplifies the pure, unconditional love we speak of.
This kind of love—unconditional, healing love—is what inspires people to rebuild communities after disasters. It’s what brings transformation in the most unexpected ways.
But transformation begins with you. Look inward and give yourself unconditional love. Be gentle with yourself, nurturing all aspects of who you are. Start with self-healing, and as you begin to feel whole, extend that love outward—to your family, your friends, your neighbors, and beyond.
Steps to Harness the Power of Love and Light
Start with Yourself: Embrace who you are. Hug yourself, speak kindly to yourself, and send unconditional love to all aspects of your being.
Expand to Your Family: Reflect on what you love, admire, and appreciate about your family members—their skills, talents, and unique qualities. Use this as a foundation to love them unconditionally.
Move Beyond Your Home: Extend love and light to friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Focus on the positive traits you admire in each person, building from there.
Visualize Sending Light: Picture sunlight streaming from you to the person or situation in need. Alternatively, imagine beams of white light surrounding them with warmth and healing. Use whatever resonates most deeply—perhaps the glow of the moon, stars, or another source of light that inspires you.
When you radiate love and light, you are healing the energy of the situation and the people involved. Each small step contributes to larger shifts over time.
A Message of Encouragement
Dear Ones, know that you are deeply loved. Begin by loving yourselves, and from there, allow that love to ripple outward. Love has the power to mend hearts, create peace, and inspire change.
We love you. We love you. And so it is."