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I have had this Sodalite Pendant for many years and love it dearly. I have been drawn to wear it quite frequently lately.

I saw many interesting shapes, animals, and sea animals, and what looked like a sea horse within it. There also appeared a structure with what looked like openings/windows, ledges and paths.

Sodalite what is your message?

We come with love – we come with love.  The structure represents the challenges and obstacles everyone comes across in life. Yet, there is always a way forward, always a way to get around the obstacles, even though some of them seem so big you may even feel overwhelmed.

However, move forward slowly, if need be. We strongly advise – slowly. When you rush forward, many of you come to a dead end because you missed a path to take you up to the next level of your journey.

So, we do advise, move slowly, and you will discover the gems, gold nuggets of wisdom, and guidance as you move slowly up the path, that travels around the structure. Each level has a path that leads you to the next level. There are always people there to support you through any challenges that life can bring.

The Seahorse at the top, is showing you the way forward – bathed in light and sparkling with wisdom and clarity.

The light is also shining the way forward – even if the Now You is unable to see your way forward, accept the next step or steps.

If you were shown the whole way all at once, you may stumble with overwhelm, and you may stop altogether and not move.

This is why we show you what you are required to do. Then when you have completed those steps, the next stage is shown to you … and so on. Before you know it, you are at the top looking ahead at the horizon you have imagined and envisioned. Feeling a sense of peace, contentment, gratitude, appreciation, and achievement, as you rejoice in what you have overcome. Which has made you a stronger, wiser, person through love, gratitude, and appreciation in your heart, as you move forward with confidence, love, and light.

The light is always with you Dear Ones, always. The light is always shining the way. Be sure you have taken the blinkers off.  So you can see where you are going, see the whole picture, and not just a tunnel view.

Follow the light and let it guide you step by step. Light is your intuition, inspiration, inspired thoughts, gut feelings, a knowing, inspired writing, automatic writing, Clarity is a knowing within your heart.

There are many ways we communicate with you, Dear Ones – many of you already know. Trust and know you are looked after, Dear Ones. Remember to ask for help when you appear to have stumbled, or if you are unsure.  Ask for guidance. We love you , we love you, and so it is.


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