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A Message From Rose Quartz

About Loving Ourselves

Rose Quartz is about love, love who you are, love yourself, love your inner child. We want you to know to love yourself first and foremost. When you love yourself, you fill up your tank first, and then you can give to others.

So, give yourself a hug and breathe into your heart and feel the love, feel that smile on your face, and feel totally loved.

I am shaped like a Rose and people love Roses; they have such beauty. People love them as the Rose starts to bud into form. As they admire it they feel the delight, joy as it starts to open, you see the colour, new life, it brings joy and hope. As the bud starts to open more beings to blossom into its full glory. People feel the love as the bud blooms, into a magnificent beauty of the Rose, and the joy it brings to the Soul, and the perfume it shares with world, that touches your senses.

Even as the bloom is coming to an end, it still has a beauty in its final days of blossoming, and many save the petals to create wonderful products.

That is the way we chose to describe the life of a Rose; however, Rose Quartz Crystal wants you to know and feel the love, of the Roses. When you look upon your Rose Quart crystal, feel the love, and remember the joy and happiness that brings to you and your soul when admiring Roses.

It doesn’t matter what shape or size that we the Rose Quartz is – we are here to remind you to love yourself. Love who you are and by loving yourself, you can journey through life sharing your love to all who come into your life. This is a message for all who reads this, we are wanting people to know they are loved.

We love you, we love you, and so it is.

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