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Flower Speaks - Re Fear & Love

I am called Flower, and I am the colour of Amethyst, I have been cut in facets, this gives me the look of a Flower – Creating a beautiful Gem and I still have the power.

I chose my owner, she felt my energy hit her heart, it made her take notice, and she knew without a doubt she had to have me. That was many years ago and still a Gift to her.

I give love, love is such a powerful nurturing emotion. Love is the greatest power and it’s even more powerful than fear.

However, so many people are in fear. They fear so much in their lives, sometimes it paralyzes them. When fear has taken control of their lives, to some it feels like they are trapped.

"How do you release the fear that feels real?"

If you can place your hand over your heart, or hold a crystal, or something that you treasure, over your heart. Sit quietly, and breathe deeply, 3 deep breaths in and out, or even more, this will help start to calm you.

Listening to beautiful music, or a mediation, will help unlock the fear, and you will slowly start feeling better. Even focusing on something of beauty, or a picture of a sunrise, sunset, ocean, beautiful picture of nature, water flowing, all these helps shift your focus away from the pain.

Call upon the Angel of Peace which many know as St. Michael the Archangel, visualize his presence. Visualize St. Michael the Archangel, placing a flame into your heart. Let the flame fill your heart, and see it grow, and fill your whole body and spreading around your body. Visualize the flame burning away, dispersing and dissolving the fear. As the fear dissipates, a feeling of calmness will start to flow into you.

By having your hand, or a crystal or your precious gift on your heart, you can focus on them sending you love, and ask them to heal you. Feel the love seep into your heart, the essence slowly penetrating your heart, relaxing, and soothing you. If you are playing beautiful music, this helps to soothe your soul, your body, and you will find yourself relaxing more

My Dear lady often holds me to her heart when she feels trouble or anxiety. She holds me over her heart, and plays lovely music, meditation to help restore her equilibrium back to a peaceful state after any stressful time.

We love you, we love you, we love you, and so it is.


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