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Citrine & Citrine-Amethyst

Looking at Citrine, I see so much beauty, and I feel so much joy with the sun shining on the crystal, making it sparkle, its showing an abundance of light/sparkles –

Citrine What’s your message for us today?

As you gaze at us sitting in the sun, you see so much more than you have before. We have abundance of light, within each crystal peak/nodes. You see lots of crystal peaks/nodes, and we are sparkling for you today.

Citrine, is known for abundance – however abundance comes in many forms. The light is often hidden; however, you are seeing beautiful crystals peaks/nodes of light in very different ways. This is what we want to convey to you, and all who read this. Abundance/Resources can be hidden from you.

If you are looking at the material source like money, or figures on a statement, money in your bank account, this may feel like abundance to you. However, if you are looking at crystals, gems, diamonds, ocean, water, as few examples.

Abundance surrounds everyone in everyday life, yet many don’t see the abundance in their lives, through nature or the gifts they have around them.

Imagine you are standing on a beach, and the sun is shining on the ocean. Its creating a path of sparkling light as it flows to you. This crystal light flowing to you, creates joy, excitement, appreciation. The emotion of joy, happiness, laughter, fun, raises your vibration/energy, and when you are in this good feeling energy, you can attract more good things into your life.

Abundance can flow into your life in many ways, like people, connections, work, friends, family, gifts, animals, pictures, cars, referrals, food, nature, vouchers, money, a trip, or car, or art, being gifted to you, and so much more.

When you open your heart and welcome in the abundance that surrounds you, with appreciation, gratitude, joy, love, happiness. More abundance will flow into your life in many different expected and unexpected ways.

What you focus on, you create, your thoughts become things. By changing your perspective in how you view things in your life. You will discover many miraculous things opening to you in ways you least expect.

Be open to what comes your way, feel the love, joy, and appreciation of it all allowing it to flow into your life. You may be surprised what shows up for you in expected and unexpected ways.

Small Citrine /Amethyst

I may be small, however I am Powerful. I have amethyst blended with me, and this makes a powerful combination. You felt the power pulsating in your hands, when you opened your arms wide, with a crystal in each hand. You felt the power of abundance flowing into your energy field.

I may be small with many diamond shapes; this can represent abundance to you as well. Being small is another example of how abundance can flow in small gifts and packages.

Don’t disregard the smallest of gifts, because you may inadvertently, be shutting down a source of abundance.

Feel the appreciation, gratitude, and joy even for the smallest gifts, and know you are blessed.

Open your hearts, Dear Ones, feel the love and joy, and let the gifts / abundance / prosperity flow to you in ways you least expect.

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