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Kyanite Speaks

Kyanite Speaks with an Unusual Message

A few years back, I attended an out-of-town market, I saw a beautiful piece of Kyanite. It was a bit fragile, with little bits flaking off, however it was beautiful. I was wondering, "why I had been drawn to this beautiful piece. I was considering, was I meant to buy this piece of Kyanite".

Then the lady of the stall arrived, and made a comment, that I was holding Kyanite. It was a collector’s piece, and I shouldn’t have been holding it. Her energy was very negative, and a very annoyed feeling, was emitting off her.

Then I noticed my eye attracted to another piece of Kyanite, which was much smaller. I didn’t touch it, however, my finger was very close to it. The lady of the stall, said that is also Kyanite, which I already knew. Her attitude and energy made me walk away. I commented as I walked away, "she puts you off buying anything".

As we were driving away, I heard, “I don’t want to be a collector’s item”. I felt I should have asked this lady did she understand crystals? Did she know that if a person is drawn to a crystal, that the crystal is speaking/calling to that person? Sometimes that person has to hold it. I felt guilty that I had not spoken up, and I had walked away.

Then I found myself writing this short message: It’s time for the people selling crystals to understand us all. We have more power than they realize. Thank you for holding me.

As I was typing up the message the next day. I found that the large piece of Kyanite connected with me, and a message came to me.

Here is the message:

I have work to do, and I won’t be able to do it with this lady. However, through your connection with me, picking me up, holding and loving me, for those few short minutes. You have released in me the power to start doing my work. Plus, your focus on the little one you also activated that as well. There is a lot of energy now emitting, great work has been instigated and healing is now happening.

Thank you for your part that you played in this, and thank you for being inspired to pick me up.

Know that you don’t have to buy crystals, even though you are drawn to us. Sometimes, we only require your energy, to activate a power within us. Then, we can start doing the work we were created to do. This goes for all crystals; You will always know which crystal wants to go home with you.

Just by holding, admiring and loving us, you are connecting and activating us. We can work with you from a distance, so don’t be afraid to pick us up, and know that you don’t always have to buy us.

This message is from and on behalf of the entire crystal kingdom; that you are all loved and you all are special. If parts of this message doesn't resonate with you, that's

okay, take what does, and let go of the rest. The message is channeled with love .

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